KRIS 6 WeatherHurricane Center


Emergency Contacts and Education Resources

and last updated

There are multiple local, state and federal agencies involved in preparing people for emergencies and offering educational resources.

  • Reverse Alert: Offers phone, text and email alerts on emergency situations in Corpus Christi and Nueces County.
  • Ready Corpus Christi: Emergency information from the City of Corpus Christi.
  • Port Aransas Emergency Preparedness: Information about returning home following a storm.
  • 211 Texas: This service can be used by the disabled or elderly who may need assistance evacuating ahead of storm. No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905, and find information about resources in your local community.
  • Federal Alliance for Safe Homes: Provides information on what you can do to strengthen and protect your home from a hurricane.
  • National Hurricane Center: For those interested in a detailed examination of hurricanes.
  • for Kids, Educators and Parents: Learn what causes hurricanes, play games, read stories and become a Disaster Master.
  • Texas Windstorm Insurance Association: If your TWIA-insured property receives windstorm damage from a hurricane, please notify your agent as soon as possible. More information at

Important Phone Numbers for Hurricane Emergency Information:

  • City of Corpus Christi – Automated 24 Hour line – 361-857-1818 & 361- 857-1888
  • Aransas County Sheriff 361 – 729-2222
  • Bee County: Emergency Management 361-362-3271; Sheriff 361-362-3221
  • Brooks County Sheriff 361-325-3696
  • Duval County Sheriff 361-279-3351
  • Jim Hogg County Sheriff 361-527-3710
  • Jim Wells County Safety Department 361-668-1018; Sheriff 361-668-0341
  • Kleberg County Emergency Management 361-595-8527; Sheriff 361-595-8500
  • Live Oak County Sheriff 361-449-2271
  • Nueces County Sheriff 361-887-2222
  • Refugio County Sheriff 361-526-1698
  • San Patricio County Emergency Management 361-364-6144; Sheriff 361-364-2251
  • AEP (Electricity) – 866-223-8508; also power outage information