ROCKPORT, TX — The Rockport community might be smaller than most, but the talent is bursting at the seams.
Rockport resident Britt Sitzes is a man of many talents.
“What I make mostly is tiki inspired, what I call sweet tiki productions,” Sitzes said.
You can find Sitzes tiki-inspired pottery at the Daily Grind coffee shop, along with other art pieces.

“Recently I started making treasure maps,” Sitzes said.
When Sitzes isn't at the art studio, he's working on his other craft.
"We did musicals, we did Little Abner, we did Music Man, we did Paint Your Wagon and choirs, all sorts of shows,” Sitzes said.
Royce Harrell is another performer in town supporting the arts.

“I have a clown room, it belongs to Boo, but he lets me come in sometimes,” Harrell said.
Harrell is a graduate of Del Mar College Clown School.
The Rockport- Fulton area knows Boo and his other characters well.
“I do things downtown Rockport. A lot of people call me, the Rockport Little Theater calls me,” Harrell said.
The call from Rockport Little Theater is one both Harrell and Sitzes answered.
The stage is ready for them, and the spotlight is shining bright.
"Greetings from Hollywood, ladies and gentlemen. Our Christmas present to you is the new Christmas classic of our time, Miracle on 34th Street,” Harrell said.

This season's production has 12 cast members, all local faces doing it for free.
"I know there's a lot of talented people out there who don't know they're talented. Maybe we can inspire some people to come out. We need more people anyways,” Harrell said.
Putting on a show for everyone to enjoy, and if you would like to see the cast perform.
Rockport Little Theater’s Miracle on 34th Street will be on for the next three weekends.
For ticket information,click here.