CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Biking can be a good way make a difference in your life; It keeps you active and healthy. But have you ever seen it as a way to make a difference in someone else’s life?
A group of change-makers are planning on riding their bikes from Bay Area Bicycles all the way to Driscoll Childrens Hospital on Sunday, Dec. 15. And it’s not just their bikes they’ll be showing up with.

“We deliver teddy bears to Driscoll for children that are spending their holidays in the hospital,” founder of Wings of Texas Michelle Jones said.
Michelle Jones is the founder of Wings of Texas, a non-profit that assists individuals with disabilities and promotes inclusion. She has a son named Charlie Jones.
“Charlie loves getting out. He loves running, being part of cycling. It just makes him feel like he’s part of that, he’s doing something, he’s making a difference,” Jones said.
Charlie was born at 24 weeks and weighed just a bit over a pound. Charlie and his family spent the first two years of his life in and out of Driscoll Childrens Hospital. Now, he’s one of Wings of Texas’s captains.
“As a parent with a child who has spent several Christmas’s at Driscoll, you feel alone. And everyone is going on with their holiday festivities but to get that knock on the door, even a simple teddy bear makes you feel like the community is supporting you,” Jones said.
Now, Charlie and his mom are asking for your help to make sure other kids and teens feel that same joy this Christmas season with their annual Teddy Bear Ride.
“The child’s thinking ‘okay I’m in the hospital, Santa’s not going to come and I’m not going to get those toys.’ So to have that knock on the door and have a bear or a toy or something delivered, that’s what kids expect at Christmas time,” Jones said.
But it’s not just the kids getting the gifts that are impacted. Jones said it also gives those who came before them a whole new perspective on the hospital.
“Anytime they’ve been at the hospital, they’ve had blood drawn, they’ve had surgeries, they’ve been sick. But this gives them an opportunity to do something positive at Driscoll,” Jones said.
Anyone can drop off new toys or stuffed animals at these donation drop-off sites by Thursday, Dec. 12:
- AE Fitness: 7629 S. Staples
- Bay Area Bicycles: 6020 SPID
- Bodies by Paloma: 4705 Kostoryz
- F45 Training Studio: 7514 SPID
- Jessica York State Farm: 5337 Yorktown
- Russell Medical: 4410 Dillon #17
- Simmons Bank: 2051 Rodd Field
- Stretch Zone: 4938 S. Staples
- Veterans Memorial: 3750 Cimarron

The bike ride will be on Sunday, Dec. 15. It starts at 8:30 at Bay Area Bicycles at the Gulfway Shopping Center.
Last year they had over 1000 donations and 84 riders. This year, they’re hoping for an even bigger turnout for an even bigger impact.
“They’ve made such a difference in our lives, I just want to make sure that other families have that same experience and let Driscoll know that we appreciate them more than anything,” Jones said.
Anyone is welcome to join Captain Charlie and others on the bike ride. However, experienced bike riders are encouraged to keep a steady pace as riders will be escorted by police. And for those who cannot bike ride, they are still welcome and encouraged to show their support on the sideline.
There will be breakfast tacos available after the drop-off for those in attendance.
Donated gifts cannot be wrapped. If you would like to donate but cannot make it to thedrop-offf sites, monetary donations are welcome so organizers can pick out toys for kids and teens for you. For more information on the Teddy Bear Ride head to
The same morning, Bay Area Bicycles will be inviting the same riders and others to join them for a benefit ride. The benefit ride is to support one of their employees, Mark Donahue, in his battle against cancer. All proceeds from the ride will go directly to Mark to help cover medical expenses and provide support during his treatment.
The bike ride will start at 8 am at the same location as the Teddy Bear Ride. For those who cannot ride or who can only participate in the teddy bear ride, donations are accepted at Fleet Feet or Bay Area Bicycles.