CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — On Wednesday, KRIS 6 News reporter Naidy Escobar checked out a property that was not in the best condition. On Thursday morning, crews immediately got to work cleaning up a messy situation.

A resident was concerned since its right across the street from a childcare facility.
Alicia Mancha, the program director for the Nueces County Community Action Agency Birth to Five Headstart program, has been with the facility for 20 years.
She said they see 55 kids on the daily, and with the jungle of trash directly across the street Mancha added the children don’t deserve to see the eyesore everyday.
“it’s just concerning knowing the importance of what we do in the community that we serve, I wish that there would be more effort," Mancha said.
She told KRIS 6 News that in the past the facility has had to shut down before because of this same issue which she said isn't something the children should be exposed to.
KRIS 6 News spoke to a neighbor on Wednesday who lives in that neighborhood and he said there were hazardous materials and even homeless encampments.
"We have had parents call and report that they didn’t think it was right, that when they would come in to drop off their children and especially if it was a dad bringing in their child dads were being propositioned on their way in," Mancha said.
But now that the area is clear of garbage she said she hopes the city continues to maintain the property and those who are guests respect the neighborhood.
“Consistent that would be my biggest wish is that it would be consistent, especially knowing that we are serving children you know we want to have a safe environment for our children and for our families," Mancha said.
KRIS 6 News reached out to Gustavo Salazar, which was the resident who contacted us with the concerns and he was grateful that the city took action quickly.
"It's a start, it definitely needs more work but we definitely got the ball rolling," Salazar said.
If you are concerned about any properties that might be in the same conditions in your area you call 311 to create a ticket with your concern.
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