CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Off Mac Arthur Street, there’s trash. Little pieces of firecrackers and bigger fireworks popped the night before still lays on the road.
One firework user, Bryan Gomez, said he sees it every year.
“When I was their age. It’s something we would do. Find a dirt road and pop fireworks when it turns New Year,” Gomez said.
You’ll find fireworks debris outside the city limits as well as in residential neighborhoods. Gomez tries to do his part while having fun
“We’ve kind of noticed that sometimes we clean as go. That’s the best thing to do. When there’s more of us around, we’ll clean up as soon as we’re done,” Gomez said.
According to one source from Clark County Washington, fireworks debris, if not properly cleaned up, can be washed into storm drains that lead to streams, rivers, and lakes. That becomes a problem for wildlife because of the heavy metals and other chemicals found in fireworks.
Nina Newton, the owner of Punisher Pyros, explains how to properly dispose of fireworks.
“Most importantly with the fireworks is after you set them off, you want to douse them in water. Let them sit and douse them, so there’s no embers. To dispose of them properly, you can just put it in your dumpster,” Newton said.
Newton adds, by doing this injury, fires and contamination can be prevented.
She and Gomez encourage the rest of the community to clean up after themselves.
“I think we need to care. No matter where we are, we should treat it likes it our own backyard,” Gomez said.
The city’s garbage and recycling pick up schedule have not changed.
You should never put any fireworks into your recycling bin.
All used fireworks should be treated as garbage.