KRIS 6 Weather


Didn't get rain? Don't worry, more opportunities are on the way

Seabreeze t-showers in the forecast this week

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Happy Sunday!

Rain fell over the Coastal Bend this weekend! YAY!! If you were one of the lucky ones who got rain, it came down in buckets. But unfortunately, many communities did not see rain. Not to fret, there are daily opportunities for rain in the forecast this week. Our current weather pattern will keep a good deal of moisture over the region, meaning hit-or-miss showers will still pack heavy downpours.

The rain will begin early Monday morning as showers move in from the Gulf of Mexico. By early afternoon, the sea breeze will bring in a line of showers that will progress inland throughout the day. The sea breeze thunderstorms pattern will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday as well.

Thursday and Friday will offer our next best chance for rain for the entire Coastal Bend. An upper-level disturbance will trigger more rain for the area. This week's scattered rain will help chip away at our prolonged drought. The long-range forecast shows an above-average probability for more rain next week. Hopefully, the pattern continues to trend toward a wet one.

Have a great week!