Veterans and those who are related to them will want to take advantage of Saturday’s Veterans Resource Fair.
Hosted by Nueces County Veterans Services and Del Mar College, the event will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Center for Economic Development (3209 S. Staples St.). Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
The purpose of the fair is to give veterans and their families an opportunity to hear about and sign-up for programs, services and benefits they might have missed.
In addition to information being shared by representatives of federal, state and local veterans agencies, there will also be people on hand to talk about small businesses, burial, education, employment, home loans and more.
The Veterans Resource Fair is free and is a come-and-go event open to those in Nueces and surrounding counties.
Anyone who would like additional information should call the Nueces County Veterans Services office at (361) 888-0820.