

Moody's Medina is a hitting guru

Marco Medina the hitting guru
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx. — In order to become elite at something, you have to really be obsessed with it and that is especially true in sports and more specifically that bares true in the game of baseball.

For Marco Medina, a hitting coach at Moody High School, he eats, sleeps and breathes hitting the baseball.

You might call him a hitting guru, a name that makes him laugh.

"I guess it depends on who you ask," said Medina.

Moody head coach Joe Curiel agrees.

"He's the guru," said Curiel.

Hitting runs in the family for Medina. He has several family members who have served as hitting coaches for various major league baseball teams.

Now, the Moody alumnus and former baseball star in the Coastal Bend is back home taking all that hitting knowledge and passing it down to the next generation of Trojans.

"He just gets down and dirty with it," continued Curiel, "He studies it really well."

If you follow Medina on Twitter, you'll see right away how obsessed he is with the not so simple act of swinging a baseball bat.

Each day he is tweeting clips and snippets of different hitting techniques and pointing out ways players can improve.

"The whole Twitter thing was strictly for our guys and it gave me another avenue to communicate with our players," said Medina.

Now the account has thousands of followers ranging in ages young to old and skill level beginner to professional. He is making a name for himself as a hitting guru all over the state of Texas and perhaps the country.

But his primary focus is to teach to players who dawn the blue and gold of the Moody Trojans and his lessons are paying off.

"I've turned into a pretty good hitter," said senior James Perales. "In four years he has taught us a lot of good stuff."

"He gets us ready to faces all kinds of pitchers," said senior Nomar Saenz.

Plenty of lessons to teach inside the batters box or in the cages, but he is constantly reminding his pupils patience.

"It's a game of failure so it's a day to day process," said Medina. "Just like the classroom you have your objectives for the day and it's the same thing when you come and hit."

Medina has years of experience and plenty of young baseball players who are eager to learn from the hitting guru.