CORPUS CHRISTI — Last week, overgrown grass and trees were to blame for causing a traffic accident at a north side intersection. Two people were hurt in that accident in the Hillcrest/Washington-Coles area.
Since then, the intersection has been cleaned up; but the Corpus Christi city manager says there's still work to do in that area.
On Thursday evening, the Texas Department of Transportation with hold a meeting will meet with residents in the neighborhood to talk about some of their concerns such as safety, overgrown grass and poorly-lit areas. City manager Peter Zanoni also is scheduled to attend.
"You have the neglected maintenance of the lots, you have animals, you have rodents, (and) you have snakes," said Brooks AME Church Pastor Adam Carrington.
Carrington has worked at the Brooks AME for five years. In that time, he's seen many homes and properties that have been abandoned because of the new Harbor Bridge Project fall into disrepair.
And the residents who are staying in the neighborhood complain, because they feel they've literally been left in the dark.
"When the Port tears down the house or demolishes the house, that lighting is no longer there," he said. "And it makes it dangerous for the folks who still live in the neighborhood."
Residents have shared their concerns with the city manager and city councilman Everett Roy. Within the past month, Zanoni has even sent city staff to check out the area.
"(They were sent) to just go through the entire neighborhood and look at it, and see what deficiencies were there and then report back to him," said Roy.
The Minton Street intersection is one example of the city's response to that area's concerns. But it's not just overgrown grass that needs to be weeded out: The community has other thoughts to share with city leaders.
"As long as there is residents living there, we have to make sure that the area is safe, and that we do the things that we need to do," Roy said.
The neighborhood's upkeep, said Carrington, should be a partnership.
"(We need to) reason together, and figure out how to keep this neighborhood maintained," he said.
Roy says keeping these areas maintained will be an effort made by homeowners, the Port, and the city. It all just depends on who owns that property.
Thursday night's meeting will be at the Oveal Williams Senior Center. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 6 p.m.