

Tweet of lonely shop owner drums up business

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Missouri City, Texas (CNN) – Business is booming for a new donut shop in Texas all thanks to the power of social media and the owner’s son.

Billy by posted on Twitter Saturday that quote “my dad is sad cause no one is coming to his new donut shop.”

After a son tweeted a photo of his said father, lonely because there were no customers at his new doughnut shop in Texas, the Twitterverse responded and his father is lonely no more. (KPRC/UGC)


He shared a photo of the empty store and parking lot.

The tweet got more than 254-thousand likes and 147-thousand retweets.

Some people encouraged locals to visit the shop and they listened.

Billy By said, “We were actually closed yesterday so people wanted to come but I told them we were closed and I just told them to come tomorrow morning. I guess they followed through.”

By said he was overwhelmed by all the support he got just from a couple of tweets.