

Teen’s service dog shot, killed outside Texas home

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Hannah and her service dog who was shot and killed , Journey.

Law enforcement officials are trying to solve a heartbreaking mystery in Texas: Who killed a teen’s loyal service dog?

The dog, Journey, was let out on Sunday for what his owner’s call his regular quick dip in his favorite pond on the family’s rural property outside of Dallas. Someone shot the dog while the family was inside.

“He was breathing really hard and his gums were white, then he laid his head on my lap,” his owner, Hannah Westmoreland, said. “I just went over there and kissed him on the head and told him everything was going to be ok.”

Journey died despite efforts to save him by a vet clinic. The family says they have no idea who would shoot Journey.

“He (the gunman) took Hannah’s little hero for no reason, he took what has saved her life more than once,” Hannah’s mother, Tina, said. “He was going to be with her while she was in college to keep her help healthy in college.”

Hannah was not even yet a teenager when the community came together with a $10,000 donation to purchase a service dog for her. She has been living with diabetes since she was a child.

Journey was specially trained to detect the smell when Hannah’s blood sugar was low. For nearly four years, Journey has been by Hannah’s side, ready to alert her in case of a medical emergency.

“He would hit me with his nose,” Hannah said. “He was my best friend.”

The family has set up a Facebook page for messages or tips about the dog’s death.