CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If you're a parent, you know how frustrating it can be when your child comes home from school with lice.
One CCISD parent said her daughter was sent home with lice last week and was told the district didn't have a policy in place to deal with the problem.
Our fact check team goes looking for answers to find out if that is fact or fiction?
After doing some digging our fact check team found it is fiction.
CCISD says, there's a policy in place to address lice cases in the classroom.
They sent us a document and the policy is straightforward.
The district requires any school nurse that discovers a student with lice to notify their parents within 48 hours.
The parents of classmates of the infected student must also be notified.
The district also follows policy set by the Center for Disease Control.
It states, the infected student does have to be sent home early and can be treated at home before returning to school.
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