PORT ARANSAS, Texas — You can help plant trees Monday as part of the Port Aransas Nature Preserve's efforts to restore the area and help birds. This is the first Valentine's Day tree planting the nature preserve is hosting.
24 native Texas trees will be planted, some up to 45 gallons. Officials said the event is made possible by a grant given to the preserve worth $100,000.
"All the trees we'll be planting have been paid for by a grant from the National Texas Fish & Wildlife Foundation,” Rae Mooney, the Port Aransas Nature Preserve manager said. “They've also paid for a lot of the invasive species removal in the area and this is the end of the project of restoring the area."
No sign up is needed. Those who wish to participate may arrive at 9:00 a.m. at the Leaonabelle Birding Center on Ross Avenue in Port Aransas. Volunteers are asked to bring a reusable water bottle and appropriate clothing.