Whether you are traveling down the street or across the country, there are some things to remember before you pack your bags.
According to the Department of Public Safety, the key is to have a plan.
"Before you leave home to travel anywhere, make sure you're looking ahead, looking at the weather, make sure your vehicle is in good shape to be driving wherever you're going," said DPS Sgt. Nathan Brandley. "Always keep the mindset that it's gonna be crazy out there."
The roads will definitely be busy as folks are headed to spend time with friends and family for the holiday.
And DPS officers are well prepared.
While roads and highways will be busy, the Transportation Safety Administration is expecting another record breaking holiday season.
"A lot of people who are traveling for the holidays may not be world travelers, and they may not travel all the time," said Corpus Christi International Airport Marketing manager Kim Bridger-Hunt.
For folks who don't travel a lot, there are some things to know.
"You can only take that one, one-quart Ziploc bag with liquids in it that are no more than 3.4 ounces," Bridger-Hunt said. <"So it's a good thing to remember when you're packing, if you know you're gonna have to take the liquids out and you know you're going to have to take electronics out, pack them on the top so that it's easier and faster to get them out and get them back in."
Even though Corpus Christi International isn't a huge airport, it's a good idea to be early.
"Well, I am at least three hours early," said passenger Jose Albizuri. "When I'm flying minimum two hours, I hear this place here you really don't have to get here that early."
"We always tell people to be inside the terminal at least an hour before your flight leaves," Bridger-Hunt said.
If you're flying, be aware of the airport's curbside rules: You can only pick up or drop off passengers, no parking and waiting is allowed.
And other than that, remember to pack some patience as you prepare to travel for the holidays.