CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Local internet providers are trying to help low-income families get connected for virtual learning.
They are offering deep discounts on service for those who qualify.
In order to qualify, one of more members of your household must be a recipient of one of the following assistance programs:
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the NSLP
- Supplemental Security Income (for applicants age 65 + only)
- For Wired Service must be in an eligible zip code for that communication company
AT&T Lifeline:
- Cost: $10/Household/Month
- Wired connection to home
- No Contract/No installation fee (30 notice to terminate)
- Must apply for service on website:
- Up to 25Mbps
Grande Communications: Internet First:
- Cost: $9.95/Household/Month
- Wired connection to home
- Approval process required
- Get first 60 days for free
- No contract/No installation fee (30 notice to terminate)
- Must apply for service on website:
- Up to 25 Mbps
Spectrum Internet Assist:
- Cost: $4.99/Household/Month
- Wired connection to home
- No contract (30 notice to terminate)
- Must apply for service on website:
- Up to 30 Mbps