ROBSTOWN, Tx — According to Robstown Vector Control, they will be spraying for mosquitoes on Wednesday, July 31st, and Thursday, August 1st. In the meantime, what can you do to prevent mosquito bites?
According to Dr. Michael Womack, the Director of the Botanical Gardens, the best way to combat mosquito bites is prevention. You can do this by dumping excess water, such as the water in a bird bath, and keeping grass mowed.
It is also best to work at the right time of day.
“You tend to see more mosquitoes at dusk, or early in the morning. So a little later in the morning, or the midday may be better, if you are able to beat the heat,” says Dr. Michael Womack.

"There are natural oils you can use, such as citrus oils, rosemary oils, or citronella oils, which are great, but sometimes you need to use something a little stronger. One of the products that is recommended is one with DEET in it," Dr. Michael Wolmack said.
The chemical deet does not kill mosquitoes. It instead camouflages your scent from them. Wearing light clothing compared to dark can also mask you since mosquitoes are typically attracted to dark colors.
Some other tips that can help:
- Mosquitoes are not good fliers, so having a fan near you can deter them.
- Mosquitoes love sweet scents, so avoid wearing scented lotions outside.
- Stay in dry areas. Mosquitoes love moist or damp areas. Standing water like in buckets, swimming pools and gutters are perfect breeding areas for them.
- Stay sober! Mosquitoes love warm, sweaty skin, and seem to be attracted to the smell of alcohol.