CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Some road work near West Oso High School will be adding to the back-to-school anxiety.
The first day of school is around the corner but this year the drive to and from school will take some planning.
KRIS 6 News Reporter Naidy Escobar took a ride along with Olga Mendez who works at the West Oso Administration building. She has been affected by the construction on Flato Rd but said its not so hard to navigate once you learn the routes.
"They did a really good job of putting in the little arrows where you can go through," MENDEZ said. "It takes a little bit longer maybe an extra 5 to 10 minutes maybe but with all the traffic with school starting you know, give yourself time."
The administration at WOISD wants parents to be prepared on what to expect for Tuesday morning.
"We’re going to experience a lot of congestion with traffic. Parents are probably not going to know because there’s a lot of detours," she said.
Some detours have signs that say closed through traffic which means that carS could go through.

If you want to get to the high school, there is only one way in and one way out. Parents are only going to be allowed to go in through the student parking lot, go around, drop off students and then exit back to Flato Rd.
If parents have kids that go to junior high, there is an easy route through Agnes and Navigation Blvd.
The only thing administrators ask for from the parents is to be patient. Although they have currently have this route in place they also ask parents to make sure they are checking their app to stay updated on the latest.
This project being conducted by the City of Corpus Christi will have three phases. The first phase began in June and will be done in six to seven months.
Once that phase is completed, the project contractor will give an update on a timeline on the project.

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