CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — As KRIS 6 News previously reported,House Bill 8 was signed into law in June of 2023.
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Del Mar College Lenora Keas explained what the bill does in a short sentence.
"HB8 pays colleges for students who complete an award or certificate," Keas said.
Instead of Texas community colleges being funded by enrollment numbers, the funding is now funded by outcome-based.
Spring 2024 is the second semester House Bill 8 has been in effect for community colleges like Del Mar.
"This is a great opportunity for students to develop a track or pathway to reach a goal," Keas said.

Keas explained why it is beneficial for students.
"Del Mar College has the opportunity now to guide them more through advising to complete either an award, a certificate or a degree," Keas said.
KRIS 6 News reporter Tony Jaramillo spoke with a Del Mar student to get their opinions on what they think of the bill.
"I think it's a good thing. Not only does it incentive the student to do better and try to make better grades and really learn the material. But I think it also helps the professors help the students learn more," Roberto Vioasen said.

Keas explained one of the challenges so far is that the state will give extra funding for fields that are in demand. But those fields are determined on a statewide scale, not necessarily jobs that are in-demand here in the Coastal Bend.
"For example, welding is not considered a high in-demand occupational field statewide, however if you look at our region, it is very much in-demand," she said.
Keas also adds that she believes subjects closely connected to our local economy will benefit the most from House Bill 8.
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