CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — The last deathless day on Texas roads was all the way back on Nov. 7, 2000. Over 86,000 lives have been lost, and with speeding being the #1 contributing factor, TxDOT continues to try to put a speed bump on the issue.
Nate Edison owns a vehicle transport company so for him, seeing speeders is an unfortunate part of the territory.
"We see it all the time, especially late at night. I'll be in the slow lane, doing 70 and someone will pass me doing 90 all the time," Edison said.

TxDOT Public Information Officer, Rickey Dailey said just last year there were about 2,200 traffic accidents in Corpus Christi that involved speeding.
"Those resulted in 15 fatalities and 43 serious injuries," Dailey said.

Daily said this year's death toll for the city will likely be even higher.
"It looks like were ahead of last year on fatal crashes involving speeding in Corpus Christi," Dailey said.

Dailey also emphasized that speeding is simply not worth it.
"Getting to your destination whether it's home or school a few minutes faster is not worth your life. Or other people lives," he said.
Although the, Be safe. Drive Smart campaign is ending soon, Dailey said it's message will still be relevant with the start of school coming up.
"There were no fatalities in Corpus Christi school districts last year in school zones. But there were 13 crashes and 1 serious injury. And serious injuries can be life changing," Dailey said.
TxDOT said they will continue to work with local law enforcement and they actively monitor the roadways to identify patterns that may help implement additional safety measures.
For safety tips and resources visit TxDOT's website.
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