CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — As we reported in October of last year, Corpus Christi was awarded a $13 million grant by the Texas Transportation Commission to build an ADA-accessible bike and walking path.
"I’m really excited about it."
"I think it would be really convenient for families or for people who ride their bikes. I think it would be pretty cool."
Those are some of the comments we heard after reminding people that the bridge is coming across Oso Bay and will connect Holly Road to Flour Bluff Drive.

Michelle Wiiki, a frequent walker at the Oso Bay Preserve is excited to be able to Flour Bluff from the path.
"We go to Flour Bluff all the time," she said. "We have to either go up and over the bridge or we have to go up to Yorktown and over to get onto Flour Bluff is welcomed."

In a statement, the city says there are no new renderings at the time but there will probably be new renderings as the project progresses.
City leaders also say they are in the preliminary design phase and add that there will be multiple opportunities for the public to give input into the design of the bridge. Kelsey Harbin and Michelle Wiiki gave ideas of what they would like to see on the path.
"I think everyone really enjoys being able to enjoy the water. Being able to keep the sides open enough to see the water," Wiiki said.
"For sure benches, rest stops. I know that would be pretty far walk to Flour Bluff. But it would be pretty cool," Harbin said.

The city also reminds us that the grant should fund 100% of the construction cost. They also mention that because the project will be federally funded, it could be a couple of years of designing and permitting before actual construction begins to take place.