CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Corpus Christi has a new city council.
Tuesday morning's swearing-in ceremony began with an invocation given by Pastor Bil Cornelius with Church Unlimited.
Municipal Court Judge Julianna Rivera presided over Tuesday morning's swearing-in ceremony in the Corpus Christi City Council chambers.
The following members were sworn-in:
- Mayor Paulette Guajardo
- Dist. 1 Councilman Everett Roy
- Dist. 2 Councilwoman Sylvia Campos
- Dist. 3 Councilman Eric Cantu
- Dist. 4 Councilwoman Kaylnn Paxson
- Dist. 5 Councilman Gil Hernandez
- At-large Councilwoman Carolyn Vaughn
- At-large Councilman Roland Barrera
- At-large Councilman Mark Scott
After the council members were sworn in, each had the opportunity to give a speech to a packed chamber. They all thanked their families and friends for their support and then shared their vision for the City of Corpus Christi.
At-large City Councilwoman Carolyn Vaughn, who has returned to the City Council after several years, explained she's not one to back down and will push for transparency. Vaughn added she felt the Corpus Christi City Council has discussed too many issues behind closed doors in executive sessions. She promised she would push to discuss more issues out in the open.
District 5 City Councilman Gil Hernandez shared a quote he lives by. "It is not for us to bring winners and losers but to ensure that there is a fair playing ground for people to compete equally." He said that has not always been the case but it's something that he will strive for and expects his fellow council members to do the same. He promised that if he didn't see it, he would call out those who were not being fair.
City Councilwoman Sylvia Campos, who's continuing to serve District 2, joked that she was thankful because her race didn't end in a runoff this time around. She promised to provide the city with affordable, safe drinking water and not on the back of our hardworking community. She also said she wants to improve sidewalks in District 2. She said, "District 2 is open for business." Campos invited Costco and Trader Joe's to come to the city.

Returning District 1 City Councilman Everett Roy thanked city staff who take ownership of issues within the city and strive to make things better every day. He explained the importance of economic stability for Corpus Christi. He also said he planned to look at all sources of water. Roy said he wants to get this right so that the citizens of Corpus Christi don't have to worry about water in the future. He described how his district is so diverse as it includes Calallen, Annaville, northwest Corpus Christi, and North Beach. He wants his constituents to reach out to him and let him know.
Newly elected District 4 Councilwoman Kaylynn Paxson promised always to put the community first and to protect our valuable resources and those that are important to the community.
Water was one of the issues at-large City Councilman Mark Scott said he wanted to look at. He said the city needs to sit with port officials to look at the Inner Harbor and the importance of getting the Mary Rhodes Pipeline up and going. He also said he's a huge supporter of downtown housing. Scott said the city should look for opportunities to bring commercial and residential groups downtown, which would be great for restaurants and bars and draw vagrants out of the area.
New City Councilman for District 3 Eric Cantu had his family in mind during his speech. Cantu said he wants his sons to see a city that they're proud of. He wants more police and firefighters to keep our city safe and he wants to make Corpus Christi Animal Care Services a no-kill shelter. "This isn't the end. It's the beginning and we're going to build a bigger and better Corpus Christi," Cantu said.
Mayor Paulette Guajardo wrapped up the ceremony by acknowledging the three Corpus Christi firefighters who have deployed to Los Angeles to fight the fires- Battalion Chief Scott Marsh, Captain Robert Cruz, and Captain Pete Maldonado. She explained that true service is not defined by title but about working together as a unified body and holding oneself accountable to the public.