CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — On Tuesday, the day before Alberto rolled through the Coastal Bend, there was a rescue of sorts. The owner of a local business came to the rescue of a rather large family that had lost its way.

"And we look out the window to see what's going on, and we notice a family of ducks. A mommy. A daddy and eleven ducklings just kind of trekking down Alameda," Marcus Lozano, owner of Feathered Friends on South Alameda, said.
Lozano said it happened around 6 p.m. Tuesday, in front of his business.

He thought it was odd to see a whole family, Mom, Dad, and several kids, of what he described as Black-bellied Whistling ducks, just walking down the street on a hot summer day in Corpus Christi.
"They were coming from right down there," Lozano said as he pointed toward the intersection of Alameda and Everhart.
He says they're native to Corpus Christi this time of year.
Lozano said he jumped into his vehicle and drove to the laundromat just down the street. He had a plan to save the ducks!
"I parked my car, and I got ahead of the ducks. I ran inside, and said, 'Hey, I need y'alls help! And they're like, 'Oh, what? Is there an accident? What's going on?' I was like, there's a family of ducks. And they're just waddling down the street," Lozano said.
Sure enough, the customers in the laundromat came out and formed a line and were able to guide the ducks up the driveway and into the laundromat.

Talk about having all your ducks in a row!
Once inside, Lozano said the best thing to do was to turn the lights off. The ducks will freeze. That gave him time to race back to his shop around the corner, get a kennel to put them in, and take them somewhere to release them.
The ducks were looking for water.
Once he had them all together, he drove to Nottingham Acres in the London area where he set them free!
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