CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Get your pet micro-chipped this Saturday for free.
The Corpus Christi Animal Care Services wants your pets to be safe this holiday season.
Take advantage of this special opportunity this Saturday, Dec. 7, from 10 am to 2 pm.
Bring your dog or cat in a crate or on a leash to Cole Park Garden Side.
No more than 6 microchips will be issued per household.
According to, micro-chipping usually coasts around $45.
Here are the benefits of micro-chipping your pet according to
- Keep track of your pet if he or she wanders off
- If your pet ends up in a pet shelter they can get him or her back to you quickly.
- In case of a natural disaster your pet will be returned to you.
- Microchips last for your pet's lifetime, so all you have to do is keep your records up to date.
- If your pet is on medication and he or she gets lost, having a microchip allows you to find your pet sooner to administer meds.