Mind Your Business Success Agency and AEP Texas will be shaking things up with an event that may spark your interest. Non-profit Night will be held at the Bay Jewel Event Center, presented by Mind Your Business and AEP.
As the CEO and owner of Mind Your Business, Jennifer Moreno works with a variety of clientele, including non-profits. She has been planning the special event to put a spotlight on groups that aren't frequently recognized.
"Non-profits, they're out there struggling. They're out there working their butt off and doing great things in our community, and it's important for our community to know what's going on," she said.
Non-profit night will be a disco delight celebration and everyone is invited. 15 non-profits will be highlighted for their work, including the Patrice Adams Foundation.Rochelle Spieler is the founder, and a client Moreno has been working with for quite some time.
"She, unfortunately, lost her daughter when she was 24 years old and realized the struggle of putting a loved one to rest, and so the Patrice Adams Foundation helps people who don't have a good final farewell for their loved one," said Moreno.
People can learn about other community resources and have some food while getting a groove on. Non-profit night starts at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 18, at the Bay Jewel Event Center. Entry is free, but people are encouraged to make a donation. All donations will go to the nonprofits to fuel their mission and amplify their impact.
Moreno believes this event is unique and says it wouldn't have been possible to put it all together without the community's support. A handful of non-profits will be given a surprise cash donation. Many other non-profits sponsored the surprise funds to show their support.

If you can't make it to the event, you can still donate to the non-profits by clicking here.