CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — U.S. Customs and Border Protection are telling undocumented immigrants to avoid taking the dangerous journey up north, adding that joining a human smuggler could cost them their life.
Omar Medina with Border Patrol said that smugglers only see immigrants as a dollar sign instead of a human being. The Migrant Protection Program helps undocumented immigrants who are lost in the brush.
"Rescue beacons are throughout well-known traffic areas," Medina said. "Where the migrants can push them and GPS has pre-existing numbers, so agents know where to go."
On Wednesday, DPS responded to a major accident on U.S. Highway 281 just south of Falfurrias in Encino in Brooks County. Ten undocumented immigrants died, 30 people were aboard a van when according to a witness, the driver was going at a high rate of speed when he attempted to turn right and hit a metal utility pole and a stop sign.
The Mexican Consulate in McAllen confirmed that three passengers were Mexican nationals and one survivor was from Oaxaca.