CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Several unionized USPS employees gathered on Saturday, Feb. 10 protesting proposed changes coming to the postal service here in the Coastal Bend.
Part of the USPS, “Delivering For America”, plan includes sending all local mail to San Antonio first, resulting in job loss or closure of some facilities. Alex Barrera, the president of the union, filled KRIS 6 News in with an estimation on the number of employees that will be affected.

"Ultimately what it means, it leads to what’s called “excess-ing”," Barrera said. "Since you have a reduction of mail since you’re shipping away, you’re now going to have to impact the lower-seniority employees. The postal service came out with a number this past week of 11, we don’t feel that’s accurate. We think it’s going to be more than that. And of course, they leave out the non-traditional employees, non-career employees and those are approximately 50 employees."
Juan Munoz, the President of the National Association of Letter Carriers added that both unions representing local USPS employees were upset. He said that they took issues with the time and location of Thursday's public input meeting, because it was in the middle of the day when many USPS workers were still at work. The location of the meeting was also in Flour Bluff, which was not a centralized location to the USPS facility in downtown Corpus Christi.