Here’s a warning for distracted drivers and aggressive drivers who go too fast. The police department has more officers looking for those types of drivers and you probably won’t see them until you get caught because they’re out patrolling in stealth cars.
CCPD recently added two more of the units, bringing the total to four. They won’t have the markings of a typical police vehicle, and police say that’s the point. Officers want people on their best behavior behind the wheel, no matter who’s watching.
“Every time you see a Charger or a Challenger driving down the road, you don’t know whether that might be a police vehicle, so you might pay attention to your driving a little bit more for that moment,” Sr. Officer Gary Williams explained.
The stealth units were effective in 2018. According to CCPD, the vehicles were involved in 3,000 traffic stops last year, including 975 distracted drivers and 1,300 aggressive drivers.
Police say holding those folks accountable also sends a message to people who follow the rules of the road.
“Our citizens drive the roads, just like we do, everyday — day in and day out and they see those violations,” Lt. Michael Pena said. “And I’m pretty sure they wish that they had the ability to…have that person pulled over.”
The overall goal is making the roads safer for everyone.
“Be aware of how you’re driving. Pay attention. We’re watching you because we want you to see us.”
Drivers should be aware that the officers in those stealth cars will always be in full uniform.