Dozens of community members and leaders came together to celebrate Kwanzaa Sunday at the Oveal Williams Senior Center.
This event not only commemorated this special week but to explain Kwanzaa’s rich history.
The celebration stirred up many members of the community to come together for seven days.
Each day is lit by candle and marked with principles to live by.
Unity, purpose, creativity and faith are among those precepts. These are commonly referred to in Swahili; Umoja, Nia, Kuumba and Imani.
This African-rooted holiday provides ample empowerment and support not only to adults but to the young as well.
Law student Jacquline Bolden says to have so many local residents — from business owners to community leaders standing side by side — inspires her.
“These are all ways that we can come together and just be better as a community,” Bolden said. “We can work together, we can support our businesses, we can give back to the community and just really be involved.”
Kwanzaa begins each year on Dec. 26 and is celebrated through Jan. 1.