Community leaders are now commenting about a controversial video involving a group of Calallen High school students.
The video that was shot on a school bus returning from a football game in San Antonio on Nov. 23, was posted to Instagram and Snapchat by a student. In the video, several cheerleaders are seen mimicking a chant from the movie “Bring It On”, using names like Kanesha and Shaniqua and making sexually explicit comments.
President of the Corpus Christi chapter of the NAACP, Terry Mills says the video is disturbing in more ways than one.
“Someone should’ve said something, because that’s wrong,” Mills said. “Look at the climate of America and what’s going on right now. If we keep letting things happen like that, it’s going to get worse and worse.”
In a statement Thursday, Calallen Superintendent Dr. Artie Almendarez addressed he controversial viral video.
“I strongly believe that these girls are not racist. They were mimicking a scene from the movie ‘Bring It On’, which is about cheerleading,” Almendarez said. “What they did and what they said is completely unacceptable. We don’t condone that at all, and we took immediate action, which i can’t discuss because they’re all minors.”
Mills says he wants to see students and faculty at Calallen High School undergo some type of sensitivity training following the incident.
“Dr. Almendarez said they are going to have some sensitivity training,” Mills said. “Because people need to realize, you can’t go around saying things and doing things pertaining to genders, religions, etc.”
When asked to provide more information on the school district’s proposed course of action, the superintendent’s office said they could not discuss student or personnel matters.