

Houston woman gives birth to sextuplets in amazing 9-minute interval


A mother in Houston has given birth to sextuplets in an astounding 9-minute span.

The Woman’s Hospital of Texas in Houston reports that two sets of twin boys and a set of twin girls were born to Thelma Chiaka. All were born this morning between 4:50 a.m. and 4:59 a.m.

The babies weighed from 1 pound, 12 ounces to 2 pounds, 14 ounces. All are listed in stable condition and will continue to receive care in the hospital’s advanced neonatal care unit, the hospital reports.

The mother is doing well. She named her daughters Zina and Zuriel. The boys have not been named.

The hospital reports the chances of sextuplets being born are estimated at one in 4.7 billion.

Did you know that the odds of having sextuplets are estimated at one in 4.7 billion? We were honored to welcome Thelma Chiaka's four sons and two daughters early this morning!

Posted by The Woman's Hospital of Texas on Friday, March 15, 2019