

Local business owner receives award for hurricane relief efforts

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A local business owner has been recognized for helping some of the victims of Hurricane Harvey.

Rotary International presented Zarron Gonzalez with the Paul Harris Fellow award The award is for his humanitarian work last year.

After the hurricane, the disc jockey drove to several towns ravaged by the hurricane and asked victims what they needed. Days later, he borrowed a warehouse from fellow Rotarian Stan Molina and then turned to social media and asked the community for donations. Soon after, people turned out with clothes, personal hygiene items, and canned goods for hurricane relief. Several of Gonzalez’s friends came out to donate money and separate clothes.

"It was amazing to see everyone come together and help out but there’s no way I could do this solo. I’m just blessed that I had the opportunity to get a building from my President and fellow Rotarian Stan Molina and were were able to use that facility for a month and a half." Gonzalez added.

Gonzalez also took large shipments of water to Beaumont and other parts of the state.

On Tuesday, the Rotary Evening Club presented Gonzalez with the award on behalf of the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Gonzalez was very humble about the recognition. He said, "I personally don’t need any kind of recognition honestly. I hope that by doing this and getting on social media that if I entice someone else to help out with a particular cause or help people, as a humanitarian, i would wish that more people would step up."