

Singer-Songwriters in concert at the Rialto Theater


Those who like to include a little live music in their summer fun should note what is happening over at the Rialto Theater in Aransas Pass (327 S. Commercial Street). 

On Saturday, July 7th, Tony Ramey will make a return appearance, giving Coastal Bend residents another opportunity the experience the talent of this award-winning songwriter. 

Tony’s credits include Gold record songs written for country stars John Michael Montgomery and George Strait.  He has also contributed to hits for Trisha Yearwood, Alabama, Willie Nelson, Doug Stone, Mark Chestnut, Johnny Lee and more. 

As a performer, Tony’s recording of "Ain’t Gettin’ Anywhere" was recently named the 2018 Texas Country Music Association Song of the Year. 

Then, on Friday, August 10th, the Rialto will open its doors for musician Alex Harvey. 

Alex is most noted for penning such timeless songs as "Delta Dawn," "Reuben James" and "Hell and High Water." He has sold over 300 million recordings, thanks to an artist list that includes: Kenny Rogers, Sammy Davis, Jr., Henri Mancini, Andy Williams, Merle Haggard, Eydie Gorme, Peggy Lee, Bette Midler, Tanya Tucker, Alan Jackson, Billy Ray Cyrus, Jimmy Buffet and others. 

A touring performer and recording artist, Harvey has also gained recognition as an actor, both in films and television.  He has also now become an author with his new book, "Texas 101, What Every Non-Native Needs to Know."  

Tickets for either concert are $10 and may be purchased online or at the door.  The theater opens at 6:00 PM and the performance starts at 7:30 PM for both artists.  

The Rialto Bar serves a wide selection of beer and wine, plus setups for BYOB. 

To learn more, call (361) 758-0383.