

Exclusive: Family of child allegedly sold by mom speaks out


Some family members of a little boy that was allegedly sold by his mother say they are stunned, and they thought the child was safe in his mothers care.

"Heartbroken, saddened, overwhelmed. We assumed he was okay with her," Sandra Guerrero, the grandmother of the child, told KRIS 6 News in an exclusive interview. 

"She always said he was okay when we’d call and ask," the boy’s uncle Tony Guerrero added. 

Esmeralda Garza, 29, is accused of selling her 7-year-old son. Investigators say there are also two little girls, ages 2 and 3, that were in the process of being sold. 
the family of that little boy is very distraught… and tell us they had no idea… he was at risk for something like this.

The boy was found by DPS special agents during a drug raid in Corpus Christi last Friday. 

"They had asked his name, asked him who was his parents. He says, none of these people here are my parents," Tony Guerrero said. 

DPS arrested the boy’s mother. Garza is charged with sale or purchase of a child, a third degree felony. She is in custody at the Nueces County Jail with bond set at $100,000. 

Further DPS investigation revealed Garza was also attempting to sell the two toddler girls. Tony Guerrero says those girls were Garza’s children, with a different father than the father of the young boy. 

"Wow. Just the type of stuff that you see in movies. And it really happens. For it to be happening here in Corpus Christi is what’s the scary thing," Tony Guerrero said. 

The little boy’s paternal grandmother and uncle are bewildered. 

"A seven year old kid, you’re going to sell a seven year old kid? Or buy one, you’re going to buy one?" Tony Guerrero said. 

The family says that the boy has been in Child Protective Services since Friday. 

"They’re safe right now," Tony Guerrero said. 

The family eagerly waits to be reunited with the young boy. 

"We’re saddened by the whole ordeal, but as soon as we get my grandson home, everything will be okay. We intend to take care of him the best that we know how," Sandra Guerrero said. 

They also intend to seek justice. 

"So this won’t happen to any other child out there," Sandra Guerrero said. 

The District Attorney’s Office tells KRIS 6 News there is evidence Garza sold the child with for the purpose of trafficking or to perform sexual activities, her charges could be upgraded.

A man and woman were also arrested during the drug raid last Friday.

DPS is still investigating this case.