

CCISD offering all students free breakfast and lunch


CCISD’s decision to provide free breakfast and lunch at every district school has received positive reactions from district parents.


“It’s an awesome idea,” said Laura Galabeas.

It’s also received praise from non-district parents.

“I think that’s a wonderful thing,” said Cynthia Papageorge.

Papageorge’s son attended CCISD schools for three years.  She thinks the district offering free meals helps families who may not have qualified, but could use the help.

“When I heard today that they were going to have breakfast and lunch when school starts again, I thought that was a great thing,” said Papageorge.  “It’s sad to think that may be their only two good meals that day.”

Last year CCISD offered free meals at 43 campuses.  The meals are paid for through the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision.  The CEP is open to school districts in high poverty areas without an application process for families.

“Kids don’t have much to eat because of the pricing of the food, the parents unfortunately can’t afford it” said Galabeas.  “They take sack lunches, and sometimes it’s not enough.”

Galabeas has three kids in CCISD schools which were previously not covered by the CEP.  She says she’ll save as much as $60 a week.

“We can use that money for other things,” said Galabeas.  “It can go towards school supplies, school clothing, shoes, things like that.”

According to CCISD officials, the district’s board recently voted to apply to the CEP to have every school eligible.  That application was approved last week.

The program starts the first day of school, for every district student.