

Opinion column about sex misses mark, draws criticism

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A so-called opinion column is drawing attention over at Del Mar College.

The Foghorn newspaper, which is created by Del Mar College students, released their latest publication Monday morning with an article mentioning sex advice for students who are taking their finals.

The headline on the article reads,"Finals aren’t the only thing going down."

Robert Muilenburg, the Associate Professor of Journalism over at Del Mar College says, this article was the student’s attempt at parody or humor. 

"I think he’s produced at least four of them over the entire semester, but what made this one different is that he included illustrations to go with them," Muilenburg said.

But given the feedback, it’s gotten in just the last 24 hours, Muilenburg admits the student, Mark Young who is also the Fog Horn’s Editor in Chief, may have missed the mark.

"I advised Mark, I saw it, I read it. I saw it all before it went out and we talked about the potential repercussions," Muilenburg continued. "This is not reflective of the person in general perhaps at worst, a misstep."

The Foghorn is a long time publication funded by a portion of students tuition, with about 29,000 dedicated to maintaining it every year.

Dr. Mark Escamilla, the Del Mar College President, says the material was published without the knowledge of the college administration.

In a statement released to KRIS 6 News, Dr. Escamilla states,"While supporting the rights of a free press, Del Mar College also holds itself to an ethical standard that was not met by these students."

Meanwhile, Muilenburg says he entirely stands behind the students in their right to publish this newspaper and will continue to approach every article the same way.

"When it comes to anything in the future, we’ll approach it exactly the same way we approached this. we’ll look at it, we’ll discuss it on its merits we’ll talk about what the benefits are vs. running something like that, but ultimately it still comes down to a student’s voice," Muilenburg said.

For a look at the illustrations provided in the article, click here. (Warning: Some may find this material offensive)