

Weekly Road Closures April 14-20


The city of Corpus Christi has announced road closures for the week of April 14 through April 20. 

NEW – Various City Street (IDIQ)

From Tuesday, April 17 to Saturday, April 21 contractors will be working in various stormwater manholes. Each street closure will last approximately two hours. The following traffic control plans will be implemented on the following days:

Tuesday, April 17

  • Buddy Lawrence Boulevard and Azalea Drive: The center turn lane will be closed at the intersection. No left turns will be allowed at Azalea Drive.
  • Staples Street and Carmel Parkway: Staples Street will be reduced to one lane of traffic through the work site near the Carmel Parkway intersection.
  • South Port Avenue and Southgate Drive: Southbound Port Avenue will be reduced to one lane of traffic between the Crosstown Expressway and Southgate Drive.

Wednesday, April 18

  • Nile Drive: Nile Drive will be reduced to one lane of traffic between Aswan Drive and Pharaoh Drive. Flaggers will be on site to assist motorists through the work zone. In addition, Nile Drive will be reduced to one lane of traffic near the Southhaven Drive intersection.
  • Everhart Road: Westbound Everhart Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic through the Cain Drive intersection.
  • North Port Avenue: Northbound Port Avenue will be reduced to one lane of traffic through the work site between S. San Juan Street and Bluntzer Street.

Thursday, April 19

  • Greenwood Drive: Northbound Greenwood Drive will be reduced to one lane of traffic between Silverberry Drive and South Padre Island Drive
  • Wooldridge Road: Westbound Wooldridge Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic between Windrose Drive and Windblown Drive.
  • Wooldridge Road: Eastbound Wooldridge Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic between Fulton Drive and Cimarron Boulevard.
  • Old Brownsville Road: Westbound Old Brownsville Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic between Bear Lane and Navigation Boulevard.

Friday, April 20

  • Kostoryz Road: Northbound Kortoryz Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic between Gollihar Road and Horne Road.
  • Cimarron Boulevard: Southbound Cimarron Boulevard will be reduced to one lane of traffic at the Dunbarton Oak Street intersection.
  • McArdle Road: Westbound McArdle Road will be shifted to the center lane near the Rodd Field Road intersection.
  • Carancahua Street: Northbound Carancahua Street will be reduced to one lane of traffic through the Cooper’s Alley intersection. Eastbound Cooper’s Alley traffic will be narrowed at the intersection.
  • McBride Lane: McBride Lane will be reduced to one lane of traffic at the Erin Drive intersection. No left turns will be allowed to McBride Lane from Erin Drive.

Saturday, April 21

  • Gollihar Road: Westbound Gollihar Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic near the Staples Street intersection.
  • Gollihar Road: Westbound Gollihar Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic between Dorothy Drive and Lum Street.
  • Airline Road: Northbound Airline Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic through the Wooldridge Road intersection.  The left turn lane will be open to traffic. Eastbound Wooldridge Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic through the Airline intersection.

Six Points Area (Staples, Alameda, and Ayers Bond Projects)

Starting Saturday, April 7, the following traffic control plan will be implemented in the Six Points area:

  • Staples Street: Northbound and southbound lanes, between Morgan Avenue and Ayers Street, will be shifted from the west to the east side of the road.
  • Alameda Street: Northbound and southbound lanes, between Ayers Street and Cole Street, will be shifted from the west to the east side of the road.
  • Ayers Street: Traffic flow will be converted from two-way to one-way eastbound (toward Ocean Drive) between Staples Street and Santa Fe Street. Ayers Street, between Santa Fe Street and Ocean Drive, will be open to two-way traffic.

Yorktown Boulevard (Bond 2014)

Traffic is on the eastbound lanes with one lane traffic in each direction between Lake Travis Drive and Everhart Road. Other traffic impacts such as temporary lane closers are expected.

Corona Drive (Bond 2014)

The following traffic control plan is implemented:

  • Corona Drive will be converted to ONE WAY traffic eastbound between Flynn Parkway and Everhart Road. Traffic will travel in one direction from Flynn Parkway to Everhart Road.
  • Tiger Lane will be closed between Oakhurst Drive and Flynn Parkway. A detour will guide motorists around the work zone.
  • Flynn Parkway will be closed between Corona Drive and Stonegate Way. A detour will guide motorists around the work zone.

Tuloso Road (Bond 2012)

Tuloso Road, between IH-37 and Leopard Street, is open to the public. However, there will daily lane shift where traffic will be narrowed and reduced to one lane in each direction.

Chaparral Street Phase 2 (Bond 2014)

The following traffic control plan is implemented:

  • Northbound Chaparral Street will be closed between Peoples Street and Starr Street and vehicular traffic will be detoured around the work zone.
  • Northbound Chaparral Street between Schatzell Street and Peoples Street will be open to traffic.

Ocean Drive (Bond 2012)

The following traffic control plan is implemented for the Bond 2012 Ocean Drive project:

  • Southbound Ocean Drive traffic will be allowed to turn right on Ayers Street and northbound Ocean Drive traffic will have a dedicated left turn lane.
  • Two-way traffic will remain open at Elizabeth Street. Northbound Ocean Drive traffic will not be allowed to turn left at Elizabeth Street.

Yorktown Boulevard (Bond 2014)

Southbound Yorktown Boulevard will be shifted onto the northbound lanes with one lane in each direction. Other traffic impacts such as temporary lane closers are expected during this transition.

Water Street

The following traffic control plan is implemented until the project is completed:

  • Westbound Morgan Street will be closed at Santa Fe Street to Staples Street, and vehicular traffic will be detoured around the work zone.
  • Eastbound Morgan Street will be reduced to one lane from Staples Street to Seventh Street, will become two eastbound lanes of traffic from Seventh Street to Santa Fe street.  Vehicles will be allowed to cross the Morgan/Staples Street intersection with caution.

Elizabeth Street (Contractors)

There will be various lane closures on Elizabeth Street from Third Street to Ocean Drive. Throughout the various phases of this project, Elizabeth Street will be reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction through the work site.  Drivers are reminded this is still an active Hospital Zone.

Cimarron Boulevard (ID/IQ)

City contractors will be reducing traffic on either the southbound or northbound Cimarron Boulevard between Saratoga Boulevard and Yorktown Boulevard.  Motorists should be cautious of various lane closures throughout the project.

Carroll Lane (Bond 2014)

Carroll Lane is reduced to one-way southbound traffic between Gollihar Road and McArdle Road.

Gollihar Road (Bond 2014)

City contractors are working on Gollihar Road between Staples Street and Kostoryz Road. Traffic is shifted onto the eastbound lanes with one lane in each direction.

For information related to all current and upcoming lane closures associated with the Harbor Bridge project, please visit