

Surfrider Foundation introduces “Ocean Friendly Restaurants” movement to Coastal Bend


A national movement to reduce our plastic footprint has recently found it’s way to the Corpus Christi area and it’s geared to the places we love the most, our local restaurants.

David Nuss, Coordinator of the Ocean Friendly Restaurant program says the Surfrider Foundation was doing several beach cleanups a year but kept finding things like styrofoam cups and plastic ware.

Nuss says that’s when they knew the best way to keep our beaches clean was to start with the source.

Nuss said "When the Surfrider Foundation said they have a program to help our restaurants reduce the amount of plastic they use in their restaurants, well we really wanted to get involved with that." 

The program is called "Ocean Friendly Restaurants" which encourages restaurant owners to skip the plastic. And local restaurants — like the Shoreline Sandwich Company — are more than happy to comply.  

Kris Busk, owner of Shoreline Sandwich Company says 2 of his three restaurants are 100% compliant with the "ocean friendly" movement and his third restaurant will be fully compliant soon. 

Busk admits it takes a little more work and money to skip the plastic but says it’s a responsibility he’s more than happy to take on. 

Kris Busk, owner of Shoreline Sandwich Company said "It can be done. You can get the right packaging, the correct bags to fit your products, you can give people great containers and great service and people will come back and maybe even pay a little extra for it as well."

If you’re a restaurant or business owner and would like to be a part of the Surfrider’s "ocean friendly restaurant" movement click on the link: