CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A security guard was shot in last week’s alleged attempted robbery of the the "Buena Suerte" game room.
He is slowly recovering, but said his condition is having a large impact on his family's life.
"I didn't even know I had been hit,” said Buena Suerte security guard Ross Wagner. “I felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer and hit me in the hip right after that.”
Two men walked into the Buena Suerte game room, located on Everhart Road near Cain, Tuesday night. Corpus Christi Police said the men were armed and went inside demanding cash.
They were almost immediately confronted by Wagner.
“They said 'You need to get on the floor. This is a robbery,' ” said Wagner. “I said ‘No, y’all need to get out of here,' and as I was walking towards them they were walking out the door, they kind of just turned and fired.”
Wagner was shot in the abdomen.
“I’m in almost constant pain," said Wagner. "The bullet is still lodged in my posterior region."
Wagner went to the hospital. He was released Friday morning, but now his condition is hindering his ability to work and provide for his family.
“My wife was already staying home taking care of our special-needs child, and now she has to wait on me hand and foot,” said Wagner. “It’s been difficult on the aspect that I can’t go out there and work, and I can’t help support my family because I have to be home.”
Wagner is used to getting paid daily as a security guard. Not working means he can't afford to pay for necessities like food, everyday needs, and pay his bills.
A family friend set up a Go Fund Me page in hopes of keeping Wagner’s family afloat as he heals.
Wagner added that despite what happened, he looks forward to returning to work.
“I did my job because no one else in that place got hurt," he said. "They didn't get robbed, no money got stolen and I am very proud of that.”
To help the Wagner family click here.