CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at La Palmera Mall. The festivities continued on Sunday, Nov. 17, with "Quiet Time with Santa".
This annual event provides an opportunity for those with developmental or physical challenges and their families, to visit Santa in a sensory-friendly environment before the mall opens. This means no background music, no fountain, and no crowds.
"We have no rush," Quiet Time with Santa set manager Frances Vela said. " We take our time with them, and we let parents know it's okay. We give everybody the opportunity to have their time with Santa."

Everyone in attendance has about 15 minutes with the man in the red suit. Employees here make sure no one has to rush, and emphasize the importance of quality time with Mr. Claus before he takes off to the North Pole.
If you missed it, do not worry! The holy, jolly man will stop by again on Nov. 24 and Dec. 8. His hours of operation are from 9—11:00 a.m.
Reservations are required and can be made online by going to