CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — While there are still no confirmed cases in Nueces County, citizens are paying attention to the coronavirus.
City manager Peter Zanoni tells me there is currently a lot of work going on behind the scenes so that our city leaders can have a united front.
"Making sure the county judge, the mayor, myself, the city manager and the leaders in our health care industry are all communicating and working with each other through this time," said Zanoni.
Even though Zanoni wasn't in the office today, he was able to speak with us over the phone.
He explains how the CDC has issued several guidelines and advisories that have affected many business practices in Corpus Christi.
Some of those changes have already taken place.
"Our paramedics, if necessary based on the type of call will show up with more protective gear than in the past with face mask and eye goggles," said Zanoni.
Zanoni says some paramedics are being monitored as a precautionary measure.
"So over the past six to eight weeks there have been several persons that are monitored and overtime they get cleared," said Zanoni.
Zanoni also put an end to a recent rumor that several fire stations were shut down due to the coronavirus.
"No fire stations have been shut down in the city, that's a rumor for sure. All of our fire stations are operating."
He says all city services remain in effect.
Zanoni says they are in constant communication with city and county health care leaders sharing the most up to date information.
The city also recently created a website with information and updated stats on the coronavirus.