KRIS 6 Weather


Seabreeze showers and thunderstorms douse southern Coastal Bend

Local rainfall totals 1 to 2 inches southern inland counties
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Scattered showers and thunderstorms that doused inland southern Coastal Bend counties today will die around sunset. Dry conditions are expected Sunday through Tuesday, with more rain beginning Wednesday. Doppler radar indicated rainfall totals of between 1 and 2 inches from near Falfurrias to Kingsville, with isolated showers dampening the region from west of Mathis north to southern Bee County. Precipitation will end around sunset, with no additional rain expected until the middle of next week. That second round of rainfall will be the result of a tropical moisture plume pushing from the northwestern Caribbean through the western Gulf of Mexico. With favorable instability, this activity should bring another half to 3/4 inch of rain. Highs this coming week will be in the middle to lower 90s, with lows in the upper to middle 70s. A gusty southeast wind will mean a moderate rip current risk both Sunday and Monday. Meanwhile, the tropical Atlantic Basin, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, remains without development.