CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Favorable upper level conditions allowed isolated showers to drift across the Coastal Bend early today, but rain chances ended by noon. Cloudy, cool conditions will persist tonight through Monday night, with fair and warmer weather returning for Tuesday and Wednesday. A weak cold front Tuesday night will drop temperatures a few degrees but bring no rainfall. An upper level storm developing now developing in the Pacific Northwest will bring a good chance of thunderstorms from late Thursday through Friday night, and perhaps into Saturday. Some storms late Friday may become severe, but details will become more clear as the week unfolds. Meantime, expect highs in the 70s, warming to the 80s Friday through Sunday. Lows will be in the 50s and 60s, except near 70 on Thursday.
Morning Showers Give Way to a Cloudy, Breezy and Cool Afternoon
Mostly Cloudy and Continued Cool through Monday

KRIS file
Cloudy, warm and humid with dense fog early Tuesday and Wednesday mornings

and last updated
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