Major changes in our weather beginning tonight. A significant cold front will move through the region tonight. The front will be accompanied by a line of thundershowers near midnight. It will be raining for the next 4 days. A cold north wind with drop temperatures to near 60 as high temperatures through the weekend. Then, much colder weather drops in on Tuesday of next week. This will be a dry air mass so it will be clear and cold with lows dropping to the upper 30s in Western areas.
Today: Increasing clouds and warm. High 83.
Tonight: A line of thundershowers near midnight. Gusy north winds. Low 62.
Friday: Rain all day. Cold north winds. High 63.
Satruday: Rain all day. Cold north winds. High 58.
Sunday: Cloudy with periods of rain. High 65.
Monday: Cloudy with rain. High 66.
Tuesday: Strong cold front. Gusty north winds. Clear and much colder. High 56