CommunityVeterans In Focus


VA provides home care to veterans

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — World War II veteran Milton Sherwood recalls the day last year when his health began to falter.

"I fell about 4 o'clock in the morning and my wife had to call 911 to be able to get me up," Sherwood remembers.

Not many months after that, Sherwood took an emotional fall when his wife died of cancer.

"It's kind of lonesome in the house a lot of times," said Sherwood. "Right now, I'm just beginning to get over that."

Sherwood receives medical assistance from Veterans Affairs' Home-Based Primary Care Program.

Registered nurse, Bridgette Hott, and other medical specialists provide Sherwood with blood tests, physical therapy., and even a shoulder to lean on.

"Helping the loneliness and maintaining the interaction with our veterans is something we take pride in," said Hott.

At 97 years old, Sherwood finds it difficult to make his in-person appointments, so the VA comes to him.

"We are still providing the same services, just with the independence of their home," said Hott.

The program appears to be working for Sherwood.

"It seems to be, so far, it's working out pretty good," said Sherwood.

The medical staff members take such good care of Sherwood that he can keep telling incredible war stories.

"My job (during World War II) was correcting aeronautical charts and publications for pilots," said Sherwood.

He added that his top secret position helped pilots navigate and drop bombs accurately on their targets.

Nowadays, Sherwood may be navigating a little slower, but he quickly created a special bond with Hott, the daughter of a fellow WWII veteran.

"He (Hott's father) always pushed for me to get affiliated with the military," Hott said.

Now, twenty years since her father died, veterans like Sherwood remind Hott that service to those who served matters.

"Being able to provide the care for my veterans is exactly what I would wish provided and would want for my father," said Hott. "This is an honor."

More Veterans In Focus stories are available here, along with resources for local veterans.

Contact Veterans In Focus reporter Pat Simon at