The area round of the baseball playoffs and regional quarterfinals of the softball playoffs have already pushed back a day due to state-mandated STAAR testing.
And heavy expected rainstorms over the next several days could throw those playoff games into havoc.
Instead of playing games Thursday through Saturday, games now will be played only on Friday and Saturday. Normally this would not be an issue, but with the expected rain it could lead to shortened series.
The possibility of those one-game series is causing concern for area coaches.
“STAAR testing puts us in a little bind due to the fact that we just play Friday, Saturday when normally we play Thursday and Saturday or Thursday, Friday, Saturday,” Veterans Memorial coach Lee Yeager said.
University Interscholastic League regulations require each round of the playoffs to be finished no later than Sunday night. Sunday games are not allowed.
And if weather delays occur, all of the schedule changes can be found at