The South Texas Junior Olympics for boxing will be coming back to Corpus Christi for the first time in 30 years, and it is all thanks to the Duke It Out Boxing Gym.
"We are extremely honored to be involved in bringing this prestigious event back to Corpus Christi," said coach Joe Delapaz.
The event had been held in Laredo for close to the last decade, but when the rights to host the event became available, Delapaz said he did not hesitate to jump at the opportunity.
It took planning and some good financial sponsorships, but Delapaz and his team were able to get the job done and bring the event back.
"Boxing is huge in the Coastal Bend and it is great to see this event back here," he said.
The event has also grown in size. Delapaz said the last time it was here, just fewer than 50 boxers fought in the tournament. This year, it already has 400 entrants, and counting.
The age range for the tournament runs from 8 years old to 16 years old, and will take place at the RMB Fairgrounds in Robstown on May 1-3.
For more information, go to the Duke It Out Boxing website.