CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The University Interscholastic League (UIL), the governing board for all public school athletics in the state, released more realignment numbers Tuesday and more schools from the Coastal Bend will be affected.
We learned last week that all six CCISD football programs will remain in Class 5A's Division I. However, Gregory-Portland will be joining those CCISD schools. The school has decided to opt up from Division II to Division I, according to Dave Campbell's Texas Football reporter Matt Stepp.
Flour Bluff dropped to 5A Division II, and will be the only Coastal Bend team in the division. The area's 5A Division II teams the past two seasons were Alice, Calallen, Tuloso-Midway and Gregory-Portland. The first three schools listed are all dropping to Class 4A Division I.
Rockport-Fulton will remain in Class 4A Division II. There had been speculation after last week's initial numbers release that the Pirates would be moving up to Division I.
The dividing line among the classes only impacts football. Other UIL sports are organized by class. For example, Calallen, who is now Class 4A Division I, still will play Rockport-Fulton in other sports even though they are a Division II football school.