CORPUS CHRISTI — The heavy rain will be ending this morning as a north wind blows in an brings in some drier air. The rainfall totals were impressive with most of Nueces County receiving over 2 inches. Official rain at the air port: 2.58. Skies will be clearing late today with our high staying near 60. Clear skies over night will get us a cold start to Sunday morning, morning down to 40, But lovely sunshine and low humidity will make the first part of the weekend. By Christmas Day look for warming temperatures up[ to 75 in the city. Good weather for traveling in Texas after this morning.
Today: Rain all morning. Clearing by afternoon. High 61.
Tonight: Fair and cooler. Low 41.
Sunday: Sunny and cool. High 63.
Monday: Sunny and mild. High 68.
Tuesday: Sunny and warmer. High 71.
Wedmesday: AM fog, Partly cloudy and warmer. High 74.

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