

No more chilling with freon after January

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Starting next January, freon will no longer be manufactured.

Air conditioners are now shifting to a new refrigerants more friendly to the environment will be used rather than R-22.

Current AC units that use R-22 won't be able to use the new refrigerant. but some local AC service company owners say that's not a cause for concern.

"You shouldn't be scared that you have to go out and replace your equipment right away, just because you have R-22," said David Mathews of CCAC.

Businesses and houses in Corpus Christi are cooled by AC units like this, which last up to 15 years. Prices for R-22 refrigerant have increased because of the phase out. It will still be available to be purchased, but only as recycled material.

"If you have a R-22 system and it's approaching10 years old, don't put a lot of money into it," J.D. Boone, owner of Boone Brothers, said. "If you're coming into something you're looking at $1,500 to $1,800 to repair, change it out. Put the money where it's actually going to have more longevity."

The kind of refrigerant for an air conditioner can be found by checking the label on the unit.