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Pot sniffing dogs forced into early retirement


ARVANDA, CO – (NBC) Legal weed is ruining the careers of drug dogs in Colorado. That’s because their pot-sniffing skills are pretty much “irrelevant.”

Officers are now training new dogs to sniff out other types of drugs like cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and ecstasy.

Officials predict about 20% of police dogs could be forced into early retirement because they were trained to detect marijuana.

It’s already happened to this dog, named “Beaker” who are now enjoying a “simpler” life at home. But the pot problem doesn’t end there.

Officer Brian Laas, with the Arvada Police Department, said, “If he’s not reliable, we can’t get a probable cause for us to search the car and that is the key thing that these dogs are for.”

Right now, Colorado’s high court is reviewing a decision that says cops using pot-sniffing dogs need a stronger reason to search a car.

“Most of those dogs are anywhere from 5 to 10-thousand dollars alone and that’s at without training. If you get one that’s fully trained, you’re looking at 10 to 15-thousand dollars,” Officer Laas said.

The Colorado Police K-9 Association says it will help adopt dogs and send them to states where marijuana is still illegal.

About 20 percent of police dogs could be forced into early retirement because they were trained to detect marijuana, which is now legal in several states.(KUSA)